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Languages & Phrases


Uzbekistan is a country in Central Asia with a rich and diverse linguistic heritage. The official language of Uzbekistan is Uzbek, which is a Turkic language spoken by the majority of the population. However, due to its historical and cultural background, Uzbekistan is home to various other languages and dialects.

Here are some common words and phrases in Uzbek:

Hello: Salom / Assalomu alaykum
Goodbye: Xayr / Xayrli kun
Thank you: Rahmat / Rahmat sizga
Yes: Ha
No: Yo'q
Please: Iltimos
Excuse me: Kechirasiz
How are you?: Qalaysiz?
I'm fine, thank you: Yaxshi, rahmat.
What is your name?: Ismingiz nima?
My name is...: Menning ismim...
Where is...?: ...qayerda?
How much is this?: Bu qancha?
Sorry: Uzr
I don't understand: Men tushunmadim
Can you help me?: Meni yordam bera olasizmi?
What time is it?: Soat nechida?
Where is the bathroom?: Hojatxona qayerda?
Delicious: Mashhur
Beautiful: Chiroyli

Please note that while Uzbek is the official language, Russian is also widely used and understood, especially in urban areas and for official and business purposes. Additionally, Uzbekistan is a culturally diverse country, and many ethnic minorities speak their own languages and dialects. As a traveler, learning some basic words and phrases in Uzbek can be helpful and appreciated by the locals.