About this Qualification |
- ECT status is awarded on completion of a school-based induction process ‘that combines a personalised programme of development, support and professional dialogue with monitoring and an assessment of performance against the relevant standards’.
- The ECT induction process is only required for QTS qualified teachers who accept a teaching position in a maintained school in England.
- ECT status is not a legal requirement but is often viewed as desirable for teachers in further education, the independent sector, academies, free schools and British schools overseas.
Qualification Suitable For |
- Individuals who are teaching in a school that:
- Offers a British curriculum;
- Has a recent positive school inspection report (within the past six years) by a DfE accredited inspection team from: Cambridge Education, Education Development Trust, Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), Penta International, School Inspection Service (SIS), or Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in Dubai;
- Is a member of one of the following associations of schools: AoBSO, BSME, COBIS, FOBISIA, or NABSS; and
- Is quality assured to provide ECT by the EA partner Appropriate Body through an on-line video conference or on-site visit to the school.
Qualification Outcomes |
- While ECT induction is not required, it is a valuable process in developing and implementing a career long professional development plan for educators intent on continually improving their effectiveness as members of the global profession of teaching.
- Increasingly, international schools are requiring completion of ECT certification as either a prerequisite for employment or advancement in the profession.
Where? |
- In any school around the world that is approved to implement the ECT induction process in their school.
When? |
- Any time, but best to start at the beginning of a school term.
Cost? |
- The total cost for guiding candidates through to completion of ECT requirements is USD $1,850.
How? |
- ECT requirements are completed in conjunction with the candidate’s teaching schedule.
- The EA ECT Director validates each applicant’s QTS status and determines if their school has the potential to be approved to offer ECT induction for their teachers.
- Accepted applications are forwarded to the EA partner Approved Body to quality assure the school through a one day visit or alternative arrangements and to manage all aspects of full year and reduced induction processes.
- The ECT process is managed by colleagues in the school: candidate, school mentor, and school Head/Principal who submits the recommendation for ECT.
- The process is normally completed within three terms but can be done within one term based on recognition of prior teaching experience or if a candidate ‘gained QTS via the assessment-only route’.