If you are looking to teach abroad, one of the most important documents as part of the vetting process is to ensure you have an up to date criminal record check. Child protection is not just an issue on your country of origin but it is a global issue and its our duty, collectively to ensure that all the teachers placed through SeekTeachers have an up to date and valid police check. As a company that prides itself in ensureing we provide schools highly competent and well vetting candidates, we have taken the time to provide your (our teachers) the information necessary to get an up to date police check. With a team of experienced ex-educators we want you to be fully compliant so that our clients can recruit you with peace of mind! International teachers should provide evidence of their criminial record checks in all countries in which they have lived or work for more than 6 month. This is now a defacto requirement for top-tier or flagship schools and it is worth the time and money to ensure you are up to date with your police checks. In countries where there is no official police check system for teachers, the next best thing you can obtain is a "letter of good conduct". We always advise to get an official police check and so we have teamed up with a number of leading organisations to help you secure your police check fast and effectively before you travel. |