Homeschooling has been tough on both teachers and pupils as the huge impact it made in their lives from shifting from attending school to teach and learn from home. Teachers have to make an extra effort to teach their students, set them homework, and work with them together to continue their studies the best way so they don’t fall behind in education.
Even though the pandemic has affected the student’s education but the teachers and school have really pushed themselves to deliver the best for pupils and provide full support throughout the lockdown to ensure they meet their goals, complete their schoolwork and keep on track to complete this year to their full potential.
Certain schools carried out different ways to set schoolwork, but below includes the main ways schoolwork was set concluded from the research:
- Pupils at home spent on average, 2-3 hours per day doing schoolwork.
- Mostly had to complete assignments, worksheets, and watching videos as their homework.
- On average pupils were given two pieces of homework per day.
- Around 70 percent of state school children gained no or less than one daily online lessons.
- Over 2 million children) did no schoolwork at home or less than one hour per day.
- Some schools couldn’t even deliver online teaching.
It’s also important to understand that the pandemic situation has taken a great toll on the student’s and teacher’s mental health as of the exam, work stress. The school would have to contribute and give full support to the youngsters and educators to achieve better and help each other through this difficult time.
Teachers have been superb, despite low wages, they have been doing everything to guide youngsters, homeschool them, and work remarkably.