Is it getting exhausting? Hold on, you can do this! Only two weeks until your summer break. You can get back to everything with a fresh mind next term. Focus on the important tasks for now.
Save the excessive activities for next year
The creative PowerPoints presentations and difficult collaborative tasks can wait till next term – this will only make the journey harder for you. It’s time to invest in important tasks and plan accordingly for next term to make everything at ease for you. Set students simple peer activities with self-assessments tasks using a checklist, no one needs large, complicated lesson plans and more work. Make your and their job easy, start by setting some fun yet informative tasks and utilise marking code feedback – ensuring students understand the meaning of these marking codes.
Make things easier
Be straight-forward by giving verbal directions which helps to stay focus and communicate more effectively. Set targets for students to ensure they understand your expectations; giving different instructions step-by-step to ensure they gain all beneficial information. A good way of ensuring students understand is by reducing the speed when explaining to them and having breaks to slow your breathing. Also, ask them to repeat the core points to ensure they did listen to what you said and having an engaging conversation which makes it easier to take in the information given.
Co-operate with other colleagues
You don’t have the time to create a lesson plan that already exists next door. Work in teams with your colleagues – you’re all doing the same job which means you can help each other out by sharing the best resources that you know works and can encourage a focused environment for the students. This will make your life so easy; allow you to end the term positively and stress-free. There’s so much expertise available to support you and stop your life from completely failing. Teaming up with other teachers will keep you more focused and increase your knowledge on different topics along the way, it’s not wrong to collaborate.
Give them what they need
It’s been a busy week, you want to get everything done but slow down. There’s no need to rush, eventually, everything will fall into its place and last week of the year then the summer break starts. You can give spare one afternoon of joy and allow them to watch their movie of choice – keeping it appropriate of course. Allowing them for once will keep a positive relationship between the students and you; they are young and going through that overexcited stage where you can allow them to be appreciative, calm and let them enjoy their freedom for once after all the exams and work is over. This leads to a healthy relationship; they will come back more grateful, focused for the next academic year. This way you all enjoy your holiday!