Will Computers end up Teaching Classes in the Future?
Some schools in the states are delivering computer taught lessons compared to the standard chalk and talk approach. The idea being that students who simply switch off to listening to a person standing in front of the classroom get a chance to engage and self learn through an online medium. How successful something like this is yet to be seen. Online education can promote developing interpersonal skills such as teamwork and individual skills like time management. The great thing is there are no geographical boundaries and students can interact from all over the world.
The team at SeekTeachers recently visited the Bett Fair in the UK which promotes IT in education. We highly recommend all educators to visit this exhibition to keep up to date of the latest practices out there. With more and more Virtual Learning Environment companies delivering new products, schools have a much wider choice on what is best for their students. This includes technology for students with special needs and where English is not their first language.
What is your opinion on this kind of teaching and learning? Do you think this is promoting the standards in education or hindering the reputation of great education practitioners? We would love to hear from teachers all around the world as to how you cope and work with IT tools and where you see the world of “geekness” going into education!