So commonly within the walls of Academia, we are told that it is ‘critical’ to know this, or ‘vital’ to know that. Certainly, there are many important knowledge bases, mental mind sets and complicated techniques useful in every industry obtainable from any academic institution worth its weight. But how much of what we learn is… Read more »
It’s been long said that one day, in a future, far, far away, we’ll be seeing teachers replaced by automated systems, robotics and computer technology of the highest caliber. Up until recently, however, this was all but science fiction and served no real-world probability or possibility. However, this could be due to change. In… Read more »
It’s true that Shanghai, China, is long reputed to have the best education system in the world. Indeed, it’s known that on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings, China has scored the highest in every sector for the past five years, including in Mathematics, Science and Reading, beating high-power western world countries such… Read more »
In the United Kingdom, at least, the 2011-2012 period saw university fees jump substantially, no thanks to the broken promises of the Liberal Democrats and their leader, Nick Clegg, who actually made a pledge to freeze, lower or nullify university fees and subsequently went and gave in to the demands of the Conservative party in… Read more »
The east and northern regions of the world are often criticized, for lack of a better term, for a non-civilized view of economic and educative principles. But in recent years the world has seen a sharp turn in many of these countries and it’s been shown that these outdated, and frankly, bigoted views are reminiscent… Read more »
Despite what many may perceive as a highly developed institutional system, the western world’s education has often been criticized as ‘lacking stimuli’ and ‘non-engaging’ with sources frequently citing that a lack of gripping material, exercises and frankly downright one-sided historical reference sets has damaged the young minds of this majorly influential region of the world…. Read more »
Starting in the 1950s, the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is widely known as one of the world’s biggest celebrations of Ice and Snow, occurring in the height of Chinese winter in the city of Harbin, which typically drops to far lower temperatures than the rest of China due to cold northern… Read more »
With the 2022 FIFA World Cup now less than ten years away, the cultured country of Qatar has been given the privilege it absolutely deserves, and for the first time ever, this rich and rapidly developing country will be able to host the absolute pinnacle of Football skill, the FIFA 2022 World Cup. Of course, there can’t be… Read more »
It’s easy enough to want a job and finding one is not too difficult either, but how does one get a job? Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose and is achieved only when one has had that hearty handshake and heard those magic words: “Congratulations, you have the job.†But what happens when… Read more »
Looking for a job internationally but not sure if you’ll be able to due to age, health and/or relationship-based factors? Here’s our how-to and do-not guide for those asking questions about if they’ll be accepted despite some of these problems. You may also want to check the bottom of each Job Post as the restrictions including the factors mentioned… Read more »