Technology has evolved vastly in the past few decades and especially so in more recent years. Nowadays it seems like everyone’s got an iPad, a cellular phone, a laptop, a personal computer and knows what Google is. But in our experience, here at SeekTeachers, we’re seeing many teachers whom have little to no IT skills… Read more »
The first of its kind, the Cliqlite by Etisalat Nigeria aims to bring e-learning to children and is aimed for curious minds between the ages of eight and fifteen. The product includes parental controls that allow parents to easily and simply restrict access to unsuitable content for their children, meaning that they can enjoy peace… Read more »
Africa has been seeing a range of developments as of late, with some of the top universities being ratified by Oxford and Cambridge, South Africa’s social situation taking a turn for the better and Nigeria’s economy shooting through the roof thanks to the oil discovered and increased prosperity gained from it. Now it seems, it’s… Read more »
For hundreds of years the African region has been exposed to heinous feats of violence, standing atop this bloodied mountain of public rioting, tribal warfare and governmental oppression by both corrupt politics and military regime alike is Nigeria. Even in the last few decades we’ve seen a repeated change of government powers, repeated coup d’états… Read more »
You get in and open the door first thing in the morning as heavy footsteps of the class thump slowly and forcibly in as you stand at the front and ten, twenty, fifty faces look back at you. The morning register is announced and the faces slump back into their seats, chewing on pens and… Read more »
Due to the wide amount of influences the country has experienced over the course of the last two thousand years, Africa has some of the most diverse foodstuffs and some of the most varied cuisine and culinary techniques on the planet and sees the types of dishes split into five main categories including Central, East,… Read more »
Teachers and most general people are not aware of the current economic system in the world. Both the UK and America are decreasing fast and the likes of the UAE and Africa are shooting up. Qatar was recently named the richest country in the world because of natural reserves like oil and gas. Nigeria is… Read more »
Africa, a land so vast, so urban, so untouched, with beautiful nature, wildlife and poverty in many parts with no scope for development. Well that’s the media likes to keep portraying! It’s time to wake up teachers, Africa is on the move! The SeekTeachers team recently attended a conference with the “Friends of Africa… Read more »