Back-to-School Safety: Important Tips for Parents and Students

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Mother walking with son and daughter on the schoolyard.


The back-to-school season is an exciting time filled with new beginnings, but it’s also essential to prioritize safety as students return to classrooms. Whether you’re a parent preparing your child for school or a student heading back, it’s crucial to be aware of safety measures and precautions. In this blog post, we’ll discuss important back-to-school safety tips for both parents and students, helping to ensure a secure and successful school year.

1. Transportation Safety

For many students, getting to and from school involves some form of transportation. Here are some safety tips:

  • Walking or Biking: If your child walks or bikes to school, ensure they are familiar with traffic rules and the safest routes. Bright clothing and helmets are essential for visibility and head protection.
  • Bus Safety: Teach your child how to wait for the bus safely, respecting the driver’s instructions. Review the importance of remaining seated and following bus rules.
  • Carpooling: If carpooling is part of your routine, ensure your child is buckled up properly and follows the carpool rules.

2. Stranger Danger

Remind your child about the importance of not talking to or accepting rides from strangers. Establish a trusted adult who they can approach if they feel unsafe.

3. School Zone Safety

Review the rules of the school zone, including speed limits and crosswalk safety. Be vigilant when dropping off or picking up your child, and never double park, which can obstruct visibility.

4. Bullying Awareness

Discuss bullying with your child and encourage open communication. Teach them how to recognize and report bullying, both as a victim and as a bystander. Schools often have anti-bullying programs in place.

5. Backpack Safety

Ensure your child’s backpack is appropriately sized and not too heavy. A backpack should not exceed 10-20% of a child’s body weight. Teach them to use both shoulder straps to distribute weight evenly.

6. Food Allergy Management

If your child has food allergies, communicate this information to the school and provide necessary medications and instructions. Educate your child about their allergies and how to avoid allergens.

7. Emergency Contacts

Ensure your child knows how to contact you or another trusted adult in case of an emergency. Program important numbers into their phone or provide them with an emergency contact card.

8. Cyber Safety

For older students, discuss online safety, including the responsible use of social media and the potential risks of sharing personal information. Encourage them to report any online harassment or inappropriate behaviour.

9. Fire and Lockdown Drills

Familiarize your child with the school’s emergency procedures, including fire and lockdown drills. Stress the importance of following instructions from teachers and staff during such situations.

10. Health Precautions

With the ongoing concern of infectious diseases, reinforce good hygiene practices like handwashing and mask-wearing. Keep your child home if they are unwell to prevent the spread of illness.


Back-to-school safety is a collective effort between parents, students, and schools. By following these essential safety tips, you can help create a secure learning environment and ensure a smooth start to the school year. Prioritizing safety not only promotes a successful academic journey but also provides peace of mind for everyone involved.