Lib Dem Tripled Universities Fees sink the UK further in Debt

Posted by & filed under All Subjects, English, Europe, Financial, International Education, Politics, Western Europe.

Yellow Party Vote

Countrywide rioting, public outcry, parliament in flames!   Okay, that last one was admittedly a bit much, but it’s been noted time and time again, whether it’s through Youtube, Facebook or in the minds of numerous aspiring undergraduate students that the Liberal Democrat party made mistake after mistake with their debauchery of the education system,… Read more »

Illiteracy is Rampant in Women: Nature or Nurture?

Posted by & filed under All Subjects, Biology, Information Technology, International Education, Middle East, Science.


It’s widely considered that women have both better social skills and have better memory whilst men are better with perception and coordination. These have been attributed to the way that the brain is wired differently in male and female humans and after nearly a thousand brain scans; these suspicions have been astutely confirmed. Female brains… Read more »

China rises to blow International Education out of the water

Posted by & filed under Asia, Chinese, East Asia, English, Europe, Geography, History, International Education, Languages, North America, Politics, United States, Western Europe.

China national flags

China’s often been considered to be under the thumb of a vicious dictator, its peoples’ freedom restricted and their rights denied under the reign of a tyrannical government bent on working its citizens to death and bleeding their economy dry. Wages are low and workload is high and the nationals seem to have less and… Read more »

Academic Knowledge is Worthless

Posted by & filed under All Subjects, Asia, Business, East Asia, Europe, International Education, Middle East, North America, Politics, Southeast Asia, United States, Western Europe.

business strategy

So commonly within the walls of Academia, we are told that it is ‘critical’ to know this, or ‘vital’ to know that. Certainly, there are many important knowledge bases, mental mind sets and complicated techniques useful in every industry obtainable from any academic institution worth its weight. But how much of what we learn is… Read more »

Technology: The New Teacher?

Posted by & filed under All Subjects, Asia, Information Technology, International Education, Middle East.

Little Boy Working On a Computer At His Desk

It’s been long said that one day, in a future, far, far away, we’ll be seeing teachers replaced by automated systems, robotics and computer technology of the highest caliber. Up until recently, however, this was all but science fiction and served no real-world probability or possibility. However, this could be due to change.   In… Read more »

Education in China: Brilliant but is it Unethical?

Posted by & filed under Asia, Chinese, East Asia, English, International Education, Languages, Maths, Science.

The Pavilion of Absolute Perfection.

It’s true that Shanghai, China, is long reputed to have the best education system in the world. Indeed, it’s known that on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings, China has scored the highest in every sector for the past five years, including in Mathematics, Science and Reading, beating high-power western world countries such… Read more »

The real reason why university fees have Tripled

Posted by & filed under Asia, Business, Europe, International Education, Middle East, North America, Politics, United States, Western Europe.

Yellow Party Vote

In the United Kingdom, at least, the 2011-2012 period saw university fees jump substantially, no thanks to the broken promises of the Liberal Democrats and their leader, Nick Clegg, who actually made a pledge to freeze, lower or nullify university fees and subsequently went and gave in to the demands of the Conservative party in… Read more »

Finland – Putting Western Education to Shame

Posted by & filed under Asia, Business, Canada, East Asia, Europe, International Education, Languages, Maths, North America, Northern Europe, Politics, Science, Southeast Asia, United States, Western Europe.

Teacher showing map of finland on blackboard

The east and northern regions of the world are often criticized, for lack of a better term, for a non-civilized view of economic and educative principles. But in recent years the world has seen a sharp turn in many of these countries and it’s been shown that these outdated, and frankly, bigoted views are reminiscent… Read more »

Western Education has ruined the Developed World

Posted by & filed under All Subjects, Arabic, Arithmetic, Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Chinese, Crafts, Drama and Theatre, English, Europe, Financial, Geometry, Information Technology, International Education, Languages, Maths, Music and Dance, North America, Physics, Politics, Science, Spanish, United States, Visual Arts, Western Europe.

do you speak English

Despite what many may perceive as a highly developed institutional system, the western world’s education has often been criticized as ‘lacking stimuli’ and ‘non-engaging’ with sources frequently citing that a lack of gripping material, exercises and frankly downright one-sided historical reference sets has damaged the young minds of this majorly influential region of the world…. Read more »