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Teach in Africa

Akwaaba, Woezor, Lali, Kwareganigure, A jaraama
Africa is a destination which is so big and so diverse it’s an adventure like a wildfire in its own right.  Countries in Northern Africa such as Egypt and Libya adopt a greater influence and culture from the Middle East.  From Kenya to Uganda, Ghana, South Africa and the growing country of Nigeria, students are spread as far and as wide as the wildlife but are much more forthcoming in welcoming you to their country. 

African Student with Teacher

If you have a wild, adventurous spirit in you, Africa is the place to explore, learn and teach.  By teaching we don’t just mean the day to day classroom role, we mean make a real change to the lives of so many students who are keen to learn and respect their teachers.  Education is highly supported and recommended by parents in the region so you should not find that discipline adopts the form of “firm but fair!”

Nigeria and Ghana are two vastly developing areas right now with a lot of capital being pumped in to raise the standards.  You are likely to get a well paid job as an expatriate teacher in these regions. 

Type of Schools

Most international schools are located within cities and countries like Nigeria, where there is a great deal of development and wealth coming in, you will find there is a greater number of private schools being developed to raise the standard of education. Again, schools will be funded by wealthy individuals or backed by large corporations.  Education in this region is on the rise so it’s definitely a region to pay close attention to.  In most international schools you are sure to find a mix of students to teach combining both local and expatriates.  Class sizes will vary from school to school but generally expect them to be no larger than thirty students, in some you will find it as few as fifteen.  Either way, the level of discipline is good as students are keen to learn.


Most schools will run the following curricula: National Curriculum of England & Wales, IPC, EYFS, AP and a local curriculum.  You will also find that schools adopt a variation of curricula best suited for their students. 

As educational standards are on the rise so are the calibre of teachers the Middle East is looking for.  Unless it is a TEFL based role its becoming standard to have the following:
  • A Bachelors Degree with a Teaching Qualification. 
  • 2 years experience for teaching staff. 
  • 3 years experience for managers and member of the senior management team. 
  • Having IB experience is a big advantage as this is a growing curriculum within the region. 

For Universities:

  • PhD. 
  • 2/3 years experience. 

Remuneration Package

In comparison to the standard of living, salaries in this region are quite attractive for expatriate teachers.  It’s important for expatriate teachers to not compare the salaries being offered against what they earn in their home country although the salary packages are now on the increase, which becomes more than enough for the cost of living in this region.  It’s quite normal for accommodation to be provided, along with utility bills and flights for teachers.  In most countries the pay is TAX FREE and if you’re a senior teacher you may even get the options of bonds and stocks. 

Important Information

Safety and security about this region is often asked about and it’s important to be aware that teachers do get allocated a driver and car which is at hand seven days a week, so there should be no concern about getting around. 
All the above benefits should be considered when looking to work in this region.  Remember with all the benefits provided and a TAX FREE salary, it could work out more than what you take home after tax, housing, bills, etc.

Depending on where you decide to work, expect to see extreme degrees of wealth, poverty, culture and beauty.  In many areas you will also find that transport, telecommunication and land infrastructure is on the increase and so having a mobile number is more reliable than a landline.

Don’t let finding work in Africa be like a blind wildlife adventure.  Be sure to discuss any concerns you have with your SeekTeachers™ consultant to put your mind at ease.